Benjamin is an award-winning theatre actor, musician, and spoken-word artist.

He won Best Supporting Actor in his professional debut as the left-wing political leader Lim Chin Siong in The LKY Musical.

Chow, who studied acting at the Lasalle College of the Arts and performed in children’s musicals before being cast in his first major production, said he was “deeply humbled by the award and recognition”.

With his acting background, he brings life to every script he reads.

To make an enquiry, please send a message via WhatsApp or email.

  BENJAMIN CHOW   is listed for the convenience of Splice Studios clients for voice sessions scheduled via Splice
  Remote direction is available

Featured Languages

We provide native speakers for all of our languages with in-session supervisors and live-direction via Zoom, Teams, Meet, Source Connect, Skype and others. We offer over 70 languages, including: