In the last five years based in New Delhi & Mumbai, Inder has worked as an actor, model, voice over artist with different Hindi dialects & English. Imran’s portfolio of voice skills include Audio Book Narration, Corporate Industrial Narration, Commercial Voice over for Radio, Television & All Media. He also handles English to Hindi translation for documents, scripts, etc. Imran also specializes in Mumbai Lingo, which is a mix of Hindi and regional language of Mumbai that is popularly used in most Bollywood films and is comfortable in other Hindi dialects heard in that region. He is also fluent in Sanskrit.
Imran’s TV voice resume includes work on Cartoon Network series Laugholympic, Teen titans; Discovery Network documentaries, dubbing for various TV series, radio dramas and promos, and TV and Radio ads.
To make an enquiry, please send a message via WhatsApp or email.
Voice Samples
- Gender male
- Language Hindi HI