Veteran DJ Vernon is a co-host of the Muttons In The Morning program which airs at 6-10am, weekdays, on MediaCorp radio station Class95.
In the past 19 years, the bassy nature of his voice has frequently landed him the role of “Voice Of God”, a term referring to that invisible voice in the background. He has done this for movie trailers for the Singapore market, including for horror film Paranormal Activity 4 (2012) and action comedy 2 Guns (2013).
In 2001, 2003 and 2004, he did the voiceover for the National Day Parade, instructing the audience to rise for the arrival of the president. He has also been the booming narrator for TV beer advertisements, such as Carlsberg and Heineken’s.
In an interview with The Straits Times about the voice over industry, he said: “Speech drama is a unique skill. Just because there is no camera in front of you does not mean you do not need to have facial expressions – you can kind of ‘hear’ smiles and frowns. You have to be able to act.”
He added: “I still find it really weird hearing my voice in advertisements. I could be watching soccer at home and a beer commercial with my voice comes on. A voiceover is usually a dramatisation. I do not sound like how I normally would, talking to friends.”
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Voice Samples
- Gender male
- Language EN Asean